FirstHive in The Marketing Technology Landscape 2016

It’s one feeling to work day in and day out to build a beautiful piece of marketing software, and it’s another feeling to see our work gets recognized. Oh, wait! It’s the same feeling.. Or maybe an ‘cause and effect’ feeling.. Well, whatever, it feels great! Yay! FirstHive gets highlighted in the Marketing Technology Landscape 2016,…

Multi Channel Data Intelligence to Connect with your Customers in Real Time

Marketing is evolving from campaigns to customer experiences The customer is evolving and so is marketing and marketing tools. Marketing is rapidly approaching to what marketers have often dreamt about: real-time customer engagement. The entire customer experience is being optimized across channels, by messages and offers, social posts and by time. In the last decade,…

FirstHive DIY Platform is now Live!

The way consumers and brands interact with each other is evolving. While a large brand would try and achieve the capability to track and analyse the data generated across the multitude of touchpoints, smaller brands and businesses struggle with far more basic concerns. The SMEs are not typically involved in tracking millions of consumer transactions,…

10 Ways Marketers are Using Technology to Improve Customer Experience

Marketing Technology as a sector is growing at a break neck pace and gaining traction, even among traditional markets. With CMOs becoming big spenders on technology, the lines between the CMO and the CIO organisations is quickly becoming blurred w.r.t. who wields the decision-making ability regarding such spends. While we will see the CMOs and…

How to Better Engage with your Customers in 2016?

Gone are the days when you could setup a call centre support desk somewhere in India or Philippines and expect the customer to be satisfied with the post-purchase support level thus provided. Your customer today has access to more interfaces, channels, and choices than ever before. Your journey with this individual does not end with…

Hello World

Years back, marketers would run a campaign, and pray. Pray that the media mix chosen would work, Pray that the optimal set of consumers would see the ad, and Pray that a few of them would be compelled to initiate the action envisioned in the ad. Digital heralded new channels, platforms, and solutions but still…